…fly safe…
Covid-19 test

We have launched a range of private testing options for passengers to keep you safe. Our test providers offer various tests for both arriving and departing passengers as testing requirements vary depending on the country you are traveling to or from.

Cretan Aid Crete is a leading European Healthcare provider, providing high-quality, internationally certified medical services.

Diagnostic Testing

CretanAidCrete offers diagnostic testing for SARS-COV2 Virus, through the accredited technique CE-IVD, in accordance with the requirements of ISO-15189 for diagnostic tests.

  • Make an appointment for your test by filling the form.
  • We will contact you as soon as possible.
Find out how you get your coronavirus (COVID-19) test result, what it means and what you need to do.
  • Fill the form in order to get your Certificate for flight.
  • You will have the results within 3 hours after Rapid test and within 24 hours after PCR test.
  • You will receive the results by e-mail
International Travel
Covid-19 has caused widespread disruption to international travel.
  • See all the latest Covid-19 restrictions on our Covid-19 Infopage.
Price List
Complete dental care for a single person, serving all of your needs. You should contact us for more details.
  • PCR TEST : 60€
  • RAPID (Antigen)TEST :10€

Contact Creta Aid Crete

Health Care Crete integrates an extensive medical care in order to guarantee quality medical assistance. Our 24 hours out-patient services and our collaboration with the most important travel incuranses of Europe provide not only at locals but also to travelers and foreign people safety and saving money.
+30 28410 27551
Call us Anytime 24/7
Cretan Aid Crete: MODATSOU 1,
Contact Details
Phone: +30 2841 027 551
Fax: (+30) 28410 21910
Email us

Working Hours

Check out DentiCare’s Office hours to plan your visit.

Monday – Sunday: 24/7

Cretan Aid Crete
Welcome to CretanAidCrete
Health Care Crete integrates extensive medical care in order to guarantee quality medical assistance. Our 24/7 outpatient services and our collaboration with the most important travel incuranses of Europe provide not only at locals but also to travelers and foreign people safety and saving money.
Social Networks

Visit Cretan Aid Crete on these social links and connect with us. Make sure to follow our accounts for regular updates.

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